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Woodelvenstock logo s.png

Музыкальный фестиваль Вудэльвенсток начался!

Как вы уже знаете из линейки квестов события "Дни музыки", Вудэльвенсток посещает ваш город! Музыка доносится отовсюду и самые известные группы со всего Эльвенара прибывают со своей свитой. Поклонники толпятся в очередях, чтобы взглянуть на своих любимых знаменитостей. Сварливые орки ждут открытия мош-пита, а Эльфы подбирают новые мотивы, в то время как охрана гномов позаботится о безопасности. Все знают, что это значит, так как ошибиться просто не возможно...

Выполняйте квесты и прочесывайте окрестности своего города, чтобы найти билеты в Фестивальный театр. Происходящее там волшебное действо развлекает молодых и старых. Отображая анимированную историю эльварской музыки, оно также регулярно выпускает драгоценные награды, когда куклы передвигаются. Выиграйте ежедневные эксклюзивные и красивые призы, а также соберите Набор Вудэльвенстока.


Меню события

During Woodelvenstock you will have two new Quest Lines to complete.

The first quest line is the sequential quest, "Woodelvenstock Major Acts" which will give you many tasks to complete during the Event. The second quest line is the daily episodic quest, "Festival Flavour" which will give you a specific task each day. Each quest will give you Tickets WES ticket.png as a reward. They are added to your Woodelvenstock menu. With these Tickets you can open different Chests to win unique and precious Event Buildings! Collect Magic Goo WES magic goo.png to unlock mighty Grand Prizes!

WES event menu.png

By clicking the Event Menu you will access the Event Window which will give you plenty of information and allow you to use your Tickets:

WES explain.png

1 - Shows you the amount of Tickets WES ticket.png you have collected and not yet spent.

2 - Allows you to buy Tickets with premium currency.

3 - Chests where you can spend your Tickets and get Magic Goo WES magic goo.png plus a random reward in return. Shows how many Tickets are needed and how much Magic Goo you receive for each Chest.

4 - Here you can see how much Magic Goo you have and how much you still need to unlock the Grand Prizes.

5 - Shows you the daily exclusive reward you can get from opening the Chests and for how long it will be available before it is gone.

6 - Grand Prizes won by collecting an amount of Magic Goo.

7 - Puppet Machine. As you collect Magic Goo, the theater puppets begin to dance along. On the way, there are Instants prizes to be had. (Hover over the Instant to see its value and how much Magic Goo you need to reach it.)

8 - Indicates the remaining time for the event.

You can also click the Helpbtto.png button to see the help information on the Woodelvenstock Event.


WES tickets banner.png

You start the Woodelvenstock Event with 100 Tickets WES ticket.png and each event quest will give you more as a reward for completing the given tasks. Also, from time to time, Tickets can be found in your city for you to collect.

Find ticket.png

You can then use the Tickets to open one of a number of different Rotating Chests which, depending on your luck, can also give you more Tickets to spend.

Remember that the Woodelvenstock only lasts for a few weeks, and then you will no longer be able to use your Tickets to get awesome rewards, so don't waste time!

Вращающиеся сундуки

WES chests banner.png

The Rotating Chests hold valuable rewards! You can win Ancient Knowledge Instants, Coin Rain, Supply Windfall, Time Booster, Enchantments, Rune Shards, more Tickets and even the unique and precious Daily Exclusive Reward. It all depends on how lucky you are! By opening the Chests you will also get Magic Goo. Remember: each Chest will offer a different amount of Magic Goo for your Tickets. So choose carefully.

You can choose between the Wooden Chest, Valuable Chest, Charming Chest, Mysterious Chest and Magical Chest, each containing similar rewards, but with different amounts of Magic Goo, Rewards and winning chances.

Sample Chest arrangement

Here are some sample overviews of what you can win and their chances. Remember: a particular Chest does not necessarily have the same chances each time!

WES sample rewards.png

Magic Goo

WES goo banner.png

When you open a Chest, you will win Magic Goo WES magic goo.png. Each Chest will immediately give you a specific amount indicated top left of the Chest.

Magic Goo allows you to unlock the Grand Prizes! You begin with three Grand Prizes available, each requiring a certain amount of Magic Goo. To unlock the next Grand Prize, you will first need to collect the previous one.

Summer event Bann2018.png

After collecting the Grand Prizes, you will find them in your Inventory Inventory icon normal.pngunder the Summonings tab.

Please note: All effects values depend on the chapter you are in at the time you add the buildings to your Inventory.

Кукольная машина

Puppet machine banner.png

An additional feature is the Puppet Machine. When you open one of the Chests, the puppets will begin to dance along. As they go, they will collect Instants for you. Hover over the Instant to see its value and how much more Magic Goo you need to collect.

Theatre wheel.png



Each day you will have a unique and precious Event Building as the daily exclusive. It can only be obtained by opening the Chests and it is only available for a limited time. Once it's gone, it's gone forever!

Be sure to complete the event quests as much as possible so that you can have a chance to win all daily exclusives and make your city rock!

WES reward panel.png

Наборы построек

Вудэльвенсток также добавил новый Набор построек. Как и в предыдущих наборах это здания приобретаемые в качестве награды, которые усиливают друг друга, если разместить их рядом (в наборе). Это не только означает, что их базовое производство вырастет, но и добавляет совершенно новые производства!