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Версия от 21:28, 15 октября 2019; Goldenstar (обсуждение | вклад) (Новая страница: «{{Template:Elvenar_Buildings}} ===The Elvenar Production Buildings=== Once you placed the Production Buildings of the Elvenar in your city, you will begin to prod…»)
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The Elvenar Production Buildings

Once you placed the Production Buildings of the Elvenar in your city, you will begin to produce the Resources of the Elvenar - Ideas and Workforce, Living Paintings and Sculptures, Crystal Balls and Plants, Designs and Constructs and, finally, Manifests and Collections.

Each resource is crucial to be able to develop your Elvenar Settlement and, in turn, complete the chapter of the Elvenar.



Newly discovered knowledge and experiences can be found within the Academy. From here, you produce Ideas using Coins and Mana, or Workforce using Supplies and Orcs. They form the basis for productions of all Elvenar Resources.

Academy Overview

Level Requirements Costs Benefits (Regular Production levels)
Level Size Construction Time Coins Supplies Orcs Mana Ideas/3h Ideas/7h Workforce/3h Workforce/7h
1 5x5 5:00 h 600 K 60000 1550 12500 500 775 500 775
2 5x5 10:00 h 1200 K 120 K 3100 25000 750 1150 750 1150
3 5x5 3:00 h 360 K 36000 930 7500 1000 1550 1000 1550
4 5x5 2:00 h 240 K 24000 620 5000 1250 1950 1250 1950

Building Levels

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Gr10 Production1 1.png
Gr10 Production1 2.png
Gr10 Production1 3.png
Gr10 Production1 4.png
Click on each building level to see a bigger image.



Within the Atelier, your artistic citizens create Living Paintings by fusing Royal Velvet with Ideas. Using Moonstone and Workforce they fashion beautiful Sculptures.

Note: The Atelier cannot be upgraded.

Atelier Overview

Requirements Costs Benefits (Regular Production levels)
Size Construction Time Moonstone Royal Velvet Living Paintings/7h Living Paintings/21h Sculptures/7h Sculptures/21h
4x7 15:00 h 16000 14000 150 225 150 225


Gr10 Production 2.png
Click on building to see a bigger image.



Here you use Obsidian and Ideas to create Crystal Balls, or combine Elven Tree Gum with your Workforce to grow Plants.

Note: Agriculture cannot be upgraded.

Agriculture Overview

Requirements Costs Benefits (Regular Production levels)
Size Construction Time Elven Tree Gum Obsidian Crystal Balls/7h Crystal Balls/21h Plants/7h Plants/21h
4x7 15:00 h 16000 14000 150 225 150 225


Gr10 Production3 1.png
Click on building to see a bigger image.



The Factory allows you to use Arcane Ink and Ideas to produce Designs. Also, Platinum and Workforce combine to form Constructs.

Note: Factory cannot be upgraded.

Factory Overview

Requirements Costs Benefits (Regular Production levels)
Size Construction Time Platinum Arcane Ink Designs/7h Designs/21h Constructs/7h Constructs/21h
4x7 15:00 h 16000 14000 150 225 150 225


Gr10 Production4 1.png
Click on building to see a bigger image.

Vault of Wisdom


The final step in the production chain is performed within the Vault of Wisdom. This is where all productions from Atelier, Agriculture and Factory are used to create the special Guest Race Goods - Manifests and Collections. The Vault of Wisdom needs to be connected to all of the the aforementioned buildings to allow for Manifests and Collections to be produced. These differ greatly between the races, reflecting the differences in the culture Humans and Elves have established over the years.

Once produced, Collections and Manifests can be turned into the equivalent from the other race, by a simple exchange production. Of course this exchange comes at a small cost, for you need to spend time and some of your own material to trade it in for what the other race has created.

Note: The Exchange function is available from Level 2 of the Vault of Wisdom.

VaultofWisdom prod.png

Vault of Wisdom Overview

Vault of Wisdom
Level Requirements Costs Benefits (Regular Production levels)
Level Size Construction Time Coins Supplies Mana Manifests
Manifest Exchange
Collection Exchange
1 6x4 5:00 h 800 K 80000 16000 100 150 100 150 - -
2 6x4 10:00 h 1600 K 160 K 32000 150 225 150 225 200 200
3 6x4 3:00 h 480 K 48000 9600 200 300 200 300 266 266
4 6x4 2:00 h 320 K 32000 6400 250 375 250 375 333 333

Building Levels

Level 1 Level 2 Level 3 Level 4
Gr10 Production5 1.png
Gr10 Production5 2.png
Gr10 Production5 3.png
Gr10 Production5 4.png
Click on each building level to see a bigger image.