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Tribal Wars · The-West · Grepolis 
Forge of Empires · Tribal Wars 2 ·



Играя в бесплатную браузерную игру The West, вы создадите собственного "аватара", идя по стопам известных героев Дикого Запада - Билли Кида и Буффало Билла. Выберите один из четырех типов персонажей - дуэлянта, трудягу, солдата или авантюриста - и выполняйте увлекательные квесты. Вызывайте других игроков на дуэли, постройте с соратниками город и участвуйте в стратегических боях за форты! InnoGames' online role-playing game The West sees you start as a greenhorn facing the dangers of the Wild West. Create your own avatar and collect experience by completing tasks and doing jobs. Become a gunslinger by challenging other players to duels. Prove your skills at the poker table or storm forts with other players.

Band together with other players and work hand in hand to build your own town. Towns don't just let you work with other players, building them also earns you extra bonus points, which can be useful during the course of a game. The-West
